Full UX Markup Class Reference
This is a complete list of the classes that ships with Fuse that are available in UX Markup. Each of these classes can be instantiated by their name as a tag in the markup.
Fuse ships with lots more classes that are available to Uno programmers in advanced use cases. See the Native Interop section.
The App
class marks the root of your application.
Activated ux
ActivatingAnimation ux
AddingAnimation ux
AlternateRoot ux
Android ux
Arc ux
Attractor<T> ux
BackButton uno
BackButton uno
BackButton ux
BlockInputWhileNavigating uno
Blur ux
Applies a gaussian blur to an Element.
Body uno
BodyBold uno
BottomBarBackground ux
BottomFrameBackground ux
Bubble uno
Bubbles uno
A row of partially overlapping Bubbles.
Busy ux
Button uno
Button ux
ButtonBase ux
ButtonText uno
CallToActionButton uno
CameraView ux
Card uno
Cards are generally light. Thus, they have an implicit LightTheme by default. You can disable this behavior by using its base class, ThemedCard instead.
CardBody uno
A StackPanel with the right margins and spacing for text content in a Card.
CardMedia uno
Carousel uno
CarouselPage uno
A page in a Carousel. Provides no visuals, only animation.
Circle ux
CircularRangeBehavior ux
Clicked ux
Triggers when a pointer is clicked on a Visual.
ClientPanel ux
Closure ux
Captures the named UX objects and dependencies in the scope and sends them to a script event when ready.
CollectionPanel ux
ColorBadge uno
Completed ux
Container ux
ContainingText ux
DEPRECATED: Use WhileContainsText instead
ContentControl ux
ContentGradient uno
A Rectangle with a gradient fading out near the bottom of an element.
Curve ux
CurvePoint ux
DarkTheme uno
DatePicker ux
Deactivated ux
DeactivatingAnimation ux
DefaultTrigger uno
Deferred ux
Desaturate ux
Desaturates an Element.
Deselected ux
Fired when the Selectable is removed from the Selection.
DirectNavigation ux
DockPanel ux
Donut uno
DoubleClicked ux
Triggers when a pointer is double-clicked on a Visual.
DoubleTapped ux
Triggers when a pointer is double-tapped on a Visual.
DragEnded ux
a Trigger that pulse when drag has been ended by Draggable Element
Draggable ux
DragStarted ux
a Trigger that pulse when drag has been started by Draggable Element
Drawer uno
DrawerButtonBackground uno
A Panel with the same height as the floating button of a Drawer.
DrawingPanel ux
DrawingPanelBase ux
A Panel that can be used to draw lines using your finger. As the DrawingPanel is native only, it must be contained in a NativeViewHost.
Dropped ux
a Trigger that pulse when draggable element has been dropped to the target or target element has received draggable element
DropShadow ux
DropShadow applies an underlying shadow to an Element.
Duotone ux
Applies a duotone effect to an Element.
DynamicLinearNavigation ux
A linear navigation that retains the active state during changes of the pages
Each ux
EdgeNavigation ux
EdgeNavigator ux
EdgeSwipeAnimation ux
DEPRECATED: Use SwipeGesture
with EdgeNavigator
Ellipse ux
EnteredForceField ux
EnterHorizontal uno
EnteringAnimation ux
EnterVertical uno
ExitedForceField ux
ExitHorizontal uno
ExitingAnimation ux
ExitVertical uno
FallbackTheme uno
FlatCarousel uno
FlatCarouselPage uno
A page in a FlatCarousel.
Glass ux
Applies a glass backdrop effect to an Element.
GraphicsView ux
Grid ux
Halftone ux
Applies a classic halftone effect to an Element.
HierarchicalNavigation ux
HoldPress ux
Triggers when a pointer is pressed on a Visual.
Icon uno
IconLabel uno
A text label with an Icon docked to its left.
Image ux
InForceFieldAnimation ux
InnerSwitch uno
Instance ux
Instantiator uno
InteractionCompleted ux
InteractiveTransform uno
iOS ux
JavaScript ux
JavaScriptTest ux
KeepFocusInView ux
KeepInView ux
KeepInViewCommon uno
LayoutAnimation ux
LayoutControl ux
Let ux
LetBool ux
A LetType that specifies a bool
LetFloat ux
A LetType that specifies a float
LetFloat2 ux
A LetType that specifies a float2
LetFloat3 ux
A LetType that specifies a float3
LetFloat4 ux
A LetType that specifies a float4
LetSize ux
A LetType that specifies a Size
LetSize2 ux
A LetType that specifies a Size2
LetString ux
A LetType that specifies a string
LightTheme uno
LinearNavigation ux
LinearRangeBehavior ux
ListView uno
ListViewHeader uno
A colored header bar with text, used to display the category of a group of items.
LongPressed ux
MapMarker ux
Adds a map marker to a MapView
MapOverlay ux
Adds a map overlay to a MapView
MapView ux
Mask ux
Masks an Element to an image.
Match ux
MediaScroller uno
ModelJavaScript uno
MultiLayout ux
MultiLayoutPanel ux
Allows you to move Elements between different layouts using the Placeholder
NativeViewHost ux
NavBar uno
A navigation bar including StatusBarBackground. Children are placed inside a DockPanel.
NavBarTitle uno
NavEnterHorizontal uno
NavExitHorizontal uno
NavigationBar uno
NavigationBar ux
Navigator ux
NavigatorSwipe ux
NavRemoveHorizontal uno
NodeGroup ux
Allows creating a class that contains several nodes and resources that are added directly to their Parent, as though included directly.
Number ux
Deprecated, for backwards compatibility
OnBackButton ux
OnKeyPress ux
OnUserEvent ux
Triggers when a UserEvent is raised.
Page uno
A Page that takes its background color from the currently active theme.
Page ux
PageBeginLoading ux
Triggers when a WebView begins loading a page
PageControl ux
PageIndicator ux
Builds indicator icons for each page of a PageControl based on a specified template, and displays them next to each other. To use it, you have to provide a template named Dot
as well as providing a PageControl to listen to through the Navigation
PageIndicatorDot ux
PageLoaded ux
Triggers when a WebView finishes loading a page
PageView ux
A Navigator without standard transitions. This is convenient when you want to provide custom transitions for all pages.
PageWhileNavigatingFreeze uno
Panel ux
PanGesture ux
A TransformGesture that provides panning (2D translation).
PartialTabPage uno
A variant of TabPage that keeps the previous and next pages partially in view.
Path ux
PhotoCaptured ux
PhotoLoaded ux
PhotoPreview uno
Placeholder ux
Plot ux
A panel that contains a chart.
PlotArea ux
PlotAxis ux
PlotAxisData ux
PlotBar ux
PlotCurvePoint ux
PlotData ux
PlotPoint ux
PlotTicks ux
PlotWedge ux
PointAttractor ux
PointerCapture ux
Locks pointer input to a sub-tress in the UX for a limited time.
Pressed ux
ProgressAnimation ux
Triggers when a Slider or other compatible control changes its value.
PullToReload ux
RadarPlot uno
A radar-style Plot for a single data series of exactly six data points.
RangeAdapter<T> ux
RangeAnimation ux
RangeControl ux
RangeControl2D ux
Rectangle ux
RegularPolygon ux
Draws a polygon with a number of equal length sides.
Released ux
Triggers when a pointer is released on a Visual.
RemovingAnimation ux
ResourceBool ux
ResourceFloat ux
ResourceFloat2 ux
ResourceFloat3 ux
ResourceFloat4 ux
ResourceObject ux
Resources uno
ResourceString ux
RootGraphicsView ux
RootViewport uno
RotateGesture ux
A TransformGesture that provides rotation.
Rotation ux
Router ux
SafeEdgePanel ux
Scaling ux
Scrolled ux
Scroller uno
ScrollingAnimation ux
ScrollView ux
ScrollViewBase ux
ScrollViewPager ux
ScrollViewSnap ux
Select ux
Deprecated (< 2017-01-01)
Selectable ux
makes a Visual selectable. Selectable visuals are what can be selected in a Selection control.
Selected ux
Fired when the Selectable is assed to the Selection.
Selection ux
Selection is used to create a selection control, such as an item list, radio buttons, or picker. The Selection itself defines the selection, managing the high-level behaviour and tracking the current value. A variety of Selectable objects define which items can be selected.
Shadow ux
Shear ux
Applies a shear to the visual (skews it). If you wish to animate the shear use a Skew animator instead.
Slider uno
A slider control. Has the same interface as any other RangeControl, such as the default Slider.
Slider uno
Slider ux
Spring ux
StackPanel ux
Star ux
State ux
A Trigger that is managed by a StateGroup.
StateGroup ux
StatusBarBackground ux
StatusBarConfig ux
StatusBarConfig ux
StickingAnimation uno
StickyHeader uno
StickyHeaderAnimation uno
Animation that progresses as a StickyHeader begins sticking, within to a given distance.
Subtitle uno
SupportBiometric ux
SwipeActionConfirmed uno
SwipeActionPanel uno
Swiped ux
SwipeGesture ux
SwipeNavigate ux
SwipingAnimation ux
Switch uno
Switch uno
Switch ux
TabBar uno
A PageIndicator that uses values provided by the Label
property of TabPage
to instantiate tabs with text labels for each page in a PageControl or other LinearNavigation.
TabPage uno
A Page that exports a title for use with TabPageControl or TabBar.
TabPageControl uno
Combines a TabBar and a PageControl.
Tapped ux
Triggers when a pointer is tapped on a Visual.
TestRootPanel ux
Text uno
Text ux
TextBlock ux
Deprecated, for backwards compatibility
TextBox ux
A TextInput with a default look and feel.
TextInput uno
TextInput ux
TextInputActionTriggered ux
TextStyles uno
TextView ux
ThemeBase uno
ThemedCard uno
A Card that takes its background color from the currently active theme.
Timeline ux
TimePicker ux
Title uno
TitlePanel uno
ToggleControl ux
TopFrameBackground ux
Transition ux
Translation ux
Represents a linear offset in space. For animated translation, consider using a Move animator instead of animating the properties of this class.
UnderlineTitle uno
UserEvent ux
VectorLayer ux
Video ux
Viewbox ux
Viewport uno
WebView ux
WhileActive ux
WhileBusy ux
WhileCanGoBack ux
WhileCanGoForward ux
WhileCompleted ux
Active while the Video is completed.
WhileContainsText ux
WhileCount ux
WhileDisabled ux
Active while the IsEnabled
property of its containing element is False
WhileDragging ux
Active while the element is being dragged.
WhileDraggingOver ux
WhileDroppingBy ux
WhileEmpty ux
WhileEnabled ux
WhileFailed ux
WhileFalse ux
WhileFloat ux
Active when the float
fulfills some criteria.
WhileFocused ux
Active whenever its containing element is in focus.
WhileFocusWithin ux
Active whenever a child of its containing element is in focus.
WhileHovering ux
WhileInactive ux
WhileInEnterState ux
WhileInExitState ux
WhileInteracting ux
WhileKeyboardVisible ux
Active when on-screen controls are visible, such as the keyboard. This excludes the fixed controls, such as navigation and home button, on some devices.
WhileLoading ux
WhileNavigating ux
WhileNotEmpty ux
WhileNotFocused ux
WhilePageActive ux
WhilePageLoading ux
A trigger that is active while its parent WebView is loading.
WhilePaused ux
Active while the Video is paused.
WhilePlaying ux
Active while the Video is playing.
WhilePressed ux
WhileScrollable ux
Active when a ScrollView can be scrolled.
WhileScrolled ux
Is active while the ScrollView is scrolled within a given region.
WhileScrollSnapping ux
Active while an element is positioned within the snapping area.
WhileSelected ux
This trigger is active while the Selectable is currently selected in the Selection
WhileString ux
Activate when the condition on the string value is true
WhileSwipeActive ux
Active whenever an Active-type SwipeGesture has been swiped to the active state.
WhileSwiping ux
WhileTrue ux
WhileVisible ux
Active when the parent element is visible.
WhileVisibleInScrollView ux
Active while an element is positioned within the visible area of the ScrollView.
WhileWindowLandscape ux
WhileWindowPortrait ux
WhileWindowSize ux
With ux
WrapPanel ux
ZoomGesture ux
A TransformGesture that provides zooming.
Change<T> ux
Temporarily changes the value of a property while its containing trigger is active. To permanently change a value, use the Set animator.
Cycle<T> ux
Move ux
Nothing ux
Resize ux
Rotate ux
Scale ux
Skew ux
Spin ux
Continuously rotates an element, given a Frequency
measured in full rotations per second.
As with Cycle, you may also specify a Duration
to control the length of the animation.
Authenticate ux
BringIntoView ux
BringToFront ux
Call ux
Callback ux
CancelInteractions ux
Collapse ux
Collapses an Element by setting Visibilty
to Collapsed
DebugAction ux
EvaluateJS ux
GiveFocus ux
Gives focus to its containing Element when activated.
GoBack ux
Navigates backward in the navigation stack/z-order of a Navigation, PageControl, or WebView.
GoForward ux
Navigates forward in a Navigation, PageControl, or WebView.
GotoRoute ux
Hide ux
Hides an Element by setting Visibility
to Hidden
LaunchApp ux
LaunchEmail ux
LaunchInAppBrowser ux
LaunchMaps ux
LaunchUri ux
LoadHtml ux
LoadImage ux
LoadUrl ux
Loads a new URL into the WebView
ModifyRoute ux
NavigateTo ux
NavigateToggle ux
Pause ux
PlatformSignIn ux
Play ux
PlaySound ux
Pulse ux
Momentarily triggers a WhileTrue, WhileFalse or Timeline.
PulseBackward ux
PulseForward ux
PushRoute ux
RaiseUserEvent ux
ReleaseFocus ux
ReleasePage ux
For navigation this indicates the page (Visual) is no longer required and can be reused, or discarded, by the container.
This is currently only necessary in a Navigator
and PageView
. You can safely call it on transitions used potentially also in a PageControl
Reload ux
Reloads the currently loaded URL
Resume ux
RouterCancelNavigation ux
Cancels a partial navigation on the Router.
RouterModify uno
ScrollableGoto ux
Scrolls a ScrollView to a given position when triggered.
ScrollTo ux
Scrolls a ScrollView to a given position when triggered.
SendToBack ux
Set<T> ux
SetStatusBarUI ux
SetSwipeActive ux
Sets the state of an Active-type SwipeGesture.
SetWindowOrientation ux
Show ux
Makes an Element visible by setting Visibility
to Visible
ShowAlert ux
ShowConfirm ux
Sms ux
Stop ux
StopLoading ux
Stops loading the currently loading URL
TimelineAction ux
A unified action that controls a Timeline.
Toggle ux
ToggleSelection ux
ToggleSwipeActive ux
Toggles an Active-type SwipeGesture on or off.
TransitionLayout ux
TransitionState ux
An action that controls state of a StateGroup.
Vibrate ux
InteractiveTransform uno
Rotation ux
Scaling ux
Shear ux
Applies a shear to the visual (skews it). If you wish to animate the shear use a Skew animator instead.
Translation ux
Represents a linear offset in space. For animated translation, consider using a Move animator instead of animating the properties of this class.
Effect classes
Blur ux
Applies a gaussian blur to an Element.
Desaturate ux
Desaturates an Element.
DropShadow ux
DropShadow applies an underlying shadow to an Element.
Duotone ux
Applies a duotone effect to an Element.
Halftone ux
Applies a classic halftone effect to an Element.
Mask ux
Masks an Element to an image.
Special Resources
FileImageSource ux
Specifies an image file as a data source to be displayed by an Image element.
HttpImageSource ux
Provides an image fetched via HTTP which can be displayed by the Image control.
MultiDensityImageSource ux
Used to specify multiple image sources that an Image element can display at different pixel densities.