Rotates the Visual. This does the same transform as Rotation.

The standard units for angle are radians. Use the Degrees... properties to specify in degrees.


This example rotates a panel while the mouse pointer hovers over it

        <Rotate Degrees="90" Duration="0.5"/>


Fuse.Animations 2.9.1
Show Uno properties and methods

Interface of Rotate

Degrees : float ux

A standard 2D rotation of the visual, which is the same as the Z-axis rotation

Inherited from TransformAnimator<Rotation>

Priority : int ux

When multiple transforms are applied they are applied in a priority order. This setting allows you to override the default priority to get a new order.

Target : Visual ux

The visual that should be animated. If not set, the containing visual is animated by default.

X : float ux

The animation amount on the X-axis.

Y : float ux

The animation amount on the Y-axis.

Z : float ux

The animation amount on the Z-axis.

Inherited from TrackAnimator

DelayBack : double ux

How long to wait, from the end of the backward timeline, before the animator starts changing the value.

DurationBack : double ux

For a continuous track: The duraciton of the change of the value in the backward timeline.

Easing : Easing ux

For a continuous track: This specifies the transition easing between a source and target value.

EasingBack : Easing ux

For a continuous track: This specified the easing for the backward timeline.

Weight : double ux

Allows the value set by this animator to be increased or decreased in significance (the default is 1).

Inherited from Animator

Delay : double ux

Seconds from the start of the trigger until this animator should play.

MixOp : MixOp ux

How to mix this animator when there are multiple conflicting animators affecting the target.

Inherited from PropertyObject

Inherited from object

Attached UX Attributes

GlobalKey (attached by Resource) : string ux

The ux:Global attribute creates a global resource that is accessible everywhere in UX markup.