Selection Class
Selection is used to create a selection control, such as an item list, radio buttons, or picker. The Selection itself defines the selection, managing the high-level behaviour and tracking the current value. A variety of Selectable objects define which items can be selected.
Introduction to the Selection API
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The selection is associated with the node in which it appears. For example:
The Panel is now considered to be a selection control. Behaviours and triggers, such as Selectable and Selected, that are descendents of this panel will find this Selection
The Selectable node is used to make a child of a selection control selectable. When assigned to a nodes, it will iterate through the controls parents until it finds a selection control.
The Selection API's functions are split between user-interaction and programming APIs. The user interaction functions are constrained to the requirements of the Selection, such as MaxCount
and MinCount
. The programmatic functions can set whatever state they want; they are not constrained. This makes it easy to create value bindings and JavaScript driven behaviour without worrying about initialization order.
- Namespace
- Fuse.Selection
- Package
- Fuse.Selection 2.9.1
Interface of Selection
Clear uno
ForceAdd(Selectable) uno
Adds a Selectable to the Selection even if would violate the user-interaction constraints. It will however not add the same value twice.
ForceRemove(Selectable) uno
Removes a Selectable form the Selection even if it would violated the user-interaction constraints (such as MinCount
HasMaxCount : bool uno
Is a MaxCount
defined on this Selection
IsSelected(Selectable) : bool uno
MaxCount : int ux
The maximum number of items the user is allowed to select. If they attempt to select more items then Replace
decides what happens.
MinCount : int ux
The minimum number of items the user is allowed to select. If they attempt to deselect and item and go below this count the deselect will be ignored.
Remove(Selectable) uno
Replace : SelectionReplace ux
Specifies what happens when the user selects an item that would exceed the MaxCount.
SelectedCount : int uno
The number of items currently selected.
Selection Constructor uno
Creates a new Selection
SelectionChanged : EventHandler (object, EventArgs) ux
Raised whenever the selection state changes.
SetValue(string, IPropertyListener) uno
Toggle(Selectable) uno
Value : string ux
Values : object ux
The current list of selected values. This should be bound to an IObservableArray
(e.g FuseJS/Observable
) order to create a 2-way interface for the selected items.
Inherited from Node
Add(Binding) uno
Bindings : IList of Binding ux
The list of bindings belonging to this node.
ContextParent : Node uno
The context parent is the semantic parent of this node. It is where non-UI structure should be resolved, like looking for the DataContext, a Navigation, or other semantic item.
FindByType<T> : T uno
FindNodeByName(Selector, Predicate<Node> (Node)) : Node uno
Finds the first node with a given name that satisfies the given acceptor. The serach algorithm works as follows: Nodes in the subtree are matched first, then it matches the nodes in the subtrees ofthe ancestor nodes by turn all the way to the root. If no matching node is found, the function returns null.
GetNearestAncestorOfType<T> : T uno
Insert(int, Binding) uno
IsRootingCompleted : bool uno
Whether rooting for this node is completed. Returns false if unrooting has started.
IsRootingStarted : bool uno
Whether rooting of this node has started. Note that even if this property returns true, rooting may not yet be completed for the node. See also IsRootingCompleted.
Name : Selector ux
Run-time name of the node. This property is automatically set using the ux:Name attribute.
NextSibling<T> : T uno
Returns the next sibling node of the given type.
OnDataChanged(string, object) uno
OnRooted uno
If you override OnRooted
you must call base.OnRooted()
first in your derived class. No other processing should happen first, otherwise you might end up in an undefined state.
OnUnrooted uno
Parent : Visual uno
The parent Visual of this node. Will return null if the node is not rooted.
PreviousSibling<T> : T uno
Returns the next sibling node of the given type.
Properties : Properties uno
A linked list holding data for extrinsic properties.
Remove(Binding) : bool uno
SoftDispose uno
SourceFileName : string ux
SourceLineNumber : int ux
SubtreeToString : string uno
SubtreeToString(StringBuilder, int) uno
TryGetResource(string, Predicate<object> (object), object) : bool uno
VisitSubtree(Action<Node> (Node)) uno
Inherited from PropertyObject
AddPropertyListener(IPropertyListener) uno
OnPropertyChanged(Selector, IPropertyListener) uno
OnPropertyChanged(Selector) uno
RemovePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) uno
Inherited from object
Equals(object) : bool uno
GetHashCode : int uno
GetType : Type uno
ToString : string uno
Attached UX Attributes
GlobalKey (attached by Resource) : string ux
Implemented Interfaces
IList<Binding> uno
IScriptObject uno
Interface for objects that can have a script engine representation
IProperties uno
ISourceLocation uno
ICollection<Binding> uno
IEnumerable<Binding> uno
The following example uses Selection to create a simple list of options. Tap the items to toggle their selection. Values
is bound to a JavaScript Observable
in order to track the currently selected items.
<Panel ux:Class="MyItem" Color="#aaa">
<string ux:Property="Label" />
<string ux:Property="Value" />
<Selectable Value="{ReadProperty this.Value}" />
<Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Label}" />
<Change this.Color="#ffc" />
<ToggleSelection />
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var values = Observable();
var list = Observable(function() {
return values.toArray().join(",");
module.exports = {
values: values,
list: list
<Selection Values="{values}" />
<MyItem Label="Big Red One" Value="sku-01" />
<MyItem Label="Small Green Two" Value="sku-02" />
<MyItem Label="Third Last One" Value="sku-03" />
<MyItem Label="Four Fore For" Value="sku-04" />
<MyItem Label="Point Oh-Five" Value="sku-05" />
<Text Value="Selected:" Margin="0,10,0,0" />
<Text Value="{list}" />