Animates the translation a visual element.

Move does not affect layout, so the element will just get an offset from its actual location.


    <Move X="50" Duration="1" Easing="BackOut" />

When pressed, this will move the element by 50 points in the X direction over 1 second, with a back-out easing curve.

Relative motion

You may want for an element to move relative to its own size or some other elements size. To achieve this we can use the RelativeTo property, for instance:

<Move X="0.5" RelativeTo="Size" />

The above line moves the element by 50% of its own size to the right.


Fuse.Animations 2.9.1
Show Uno properties and methods

Interface of Move

Inherited from TransformAnimator<Translation>

Priority : int ux

When multiple transforms are applied they are applied in a priority order. This setting allows you to override the default priority to get a new order.

Target : Visual ux

The visual that should be animated. If not set, the containing visual is animated by default.

X : float ux

The animation amount on the X-axis.

Y : float ux

The animation amount on the Y-axis.

Z : float ux

The animation amount on the Z-axis.

Inherited from TrackAnimator

DelayBack : double ux

How long to wait, from the end of the backward timeline, before the animator starts changing the value.

DurationBack : double ux

For a continuous track: The duraciton of the change of the value in the backward timeline.

Easing : Easing ux

For a continuous track: This specifies the transition easing between a source and target value.

EasingBack : Easing ux

For a continuous track: This specified the easing for the backward timeline.

Weight : double ux

Allows the value set by this animator to be increased or decreased in significance (the default is 1).

Inherited from Animator

Delay : double ux

Seconds from the start of the trigger until this animator should play.

MixOp : MixOp ux

How to mix this animator when there are multiple conflicting animators affecting the target.

Inherited from PropertyObject

Inherited from object

Attached UX Attributes

GlobalKey (attached by Resource) : string ux

The ux:Global attribute creates a global resource that is accessible everywhere in UX markup.