Sketch Symbol import

Beta Status

Please make sure to read through docs before you start using the Sketch importer!

This feature is currently in beta, has a number of known limitations, and has not had a lot of user testing. That said, we think it's already quite neat and we'd love to get your feedback on it (so get in touch through the forums and community slack!)

The importer works both on macOS and Windows.


Because Fuse has a complex and flexible UI system, it's not a realistic goal to import a Sketch file and turn it into a complete Fuse app. Rather, we have aimed for a more meaningful integration with Sketch that leverages the best qualities of both programs.

This integration will import your Sketch Symbols and interpret them into Fuse ux:Classes. Then allowing you to quickly assemble these components using Fuse's layout and animation into a prototype or app. Any changes made to the Symbols in Sketch, will be reflected in Fuse. This allows you to iterate extremely quickly on an idea. Note: This integration is one-way ie: changes made in Sketch will reflect in Fuse, but changes made in Fuse won't reflect in Sketch. Your Sketch files will remain the source of truth for these components.

This workflow enables testing and iterating on by quickly creating prototypes. Once a direction has been decided, those components can be developed to be more dynamic and responsive to user input.

Getting Started

Watching a sketch file.

In order to make the integration work, there are a few steps to follow:

From Fuse X

  1. Select Sketch import from the Project-menu
  2. Add the path(s) to the Sketch-file(s) you would like to convert Sketch Symbols from. Use the browse button or type the path in directly and press the +-button.
  3. Click Ok-button to save the list of Sketch files to watch.

This create a file in the project folder with the file-type .sketchFiles, which looks something like this:

  "MySketchFile.sketch", //Inside the app folder 
  "Assets/MySketchFile.sketch", //Relative to the App folder 
  "/Users/Me/SomeFolder/MySketchFolder/MySketchFile.sketch" //Absolute file path 

You can also manually create/edit this file

Manually create the sketchFiles-file

  1. In the same folder as your .unoproj file, you will need to create a file with the file-type .sketchFiles. This file will need to have the same name as your .unoproj. For instance: MyApp.unoproj. will need MyApp.sketchFiles
  2. Inside this file you need to specify a list of paths to Sketch files you want to import. The file paths can be relative or absolute so you can link to a Sketch file anywhere on your system. Here is an example:

Starting Fuse will import all the Symbols in the specified Sketch files into your project. The imported Classes have the naming convention Sketch.ClassName.ux to distinguish them from other ux:Classes. You will see them if you open Fuse X, under the Classes tab, or in the SketchSymbols folder that has been created in your project. You can include them in your app the same way you would any other class: <Sketch.ClassName/>

All changes saved to those Sketch files will reflect in Fuse.

Best practices

Editing generated UX

In the current iteration of the importer, any edits you make to the generated UX files will be overwritten the next time that Sketch file has been saved. Currently, the best way to break this link is to manually copy the UX into a new class with a different name and edit that.


  • Make sure all your symbol names are unique. If there are two or more symbols with the same name, the importer will only import one of them.
  • Symbol names cannot contain any special characters,symbols or spaces. Numbers and _ are supported but the symbol name cannot begin with a number.
  • If you want your text objects to be imported as a ux:Property (so you can re-use them in the same way as text overrides) you need to ensure that the layer names are unique. Text elements that have the same name won't be interpreted as a ux:Property, they will just be imported as plain Text elements.

Known limitations

There are some aspects of Sketch that we either can't represent in UX or haven't yet added support for.

General features

  • Library symbols The importer does not handle references to symbols in other files. So if you have references to symbols in a separate Library file, those symbols won't be recognised. The solution is to Detach Symbol in Sketch manually.


These properties are not supported on any type of layer (shapes, groups, images etc)

  • Export options for all types of layers are ignored.
  • Blur settings are currently ignored for all blurs (gaussian, motion, zoom and background blur).
  • Blending Modes are currently not supported. Objects will be imported but the blending mode will be ignored.
  • Masking Fuse doesn't support masking in the same way Sketch does. Masked shapes are ignored.


  • Single color and linear gradient are the only supported fills at the moment. In other words: image, pattern, noise, radial gradient and angular gradients are not supported.


  • Compound / combined shapes, shapes created with union, intersection and other boolean operators are not supported. A possible workaround is to flatten them to a single path when possible. Another option would be to create a copy of the shape and flatten it to a bitmap, which can then be used in Fuse
  • Rounded corners on path/shape vertices are not supported except for on rectangles. If you need rounding on a general shape you can use convert path to outlines and manually round the corners in Sketch.
  • Border placement (center, inside, outside) is ignored and the border is always centered.
  • Border styles like ends, joins, start arrow, end arrow, dashes and gaps are not supported. Rounded end caps are not supported on all target platforms.


  • Color adjustment of images are ignored.


  • Text on path is not supported. The text and path are converted, but text doesn't follow the path.
  • Fonts Using custom fonts in Fuse requires having copies of the .ttf or .otf files in your project folder. We don't currently support automatic adding of these fonts from the Sketch file to the project folder, so all custom fonts get stripped in the conversion and the system font is used. You can manually set up a global font and apply that to text instances later.
  • Text styles / decoration are ignored. Only text content, font size and color is converted.
  • Text shadows currently not supported and also missing a proper warning.


  • Inner shadows are not supported.