Fuse.Controls Namespace
Fuse.Controls.iOS uno
Fuse.Controls.Native uno
Fuse.Controls.NavigationInternal uno
UX Classes
Arc ux
BackButton ux
BottomBarBackground ux
BottomFrameBackground ux
Button ux
ButtonBase ux
CameraView ux
Circle ux
ClientPanel ux
CollectionPanel ux
Container ux
ContentControl ux
Coordinate ux
Curve ux
CurvePoint ux
DatePicker ux
DockPanel ux
DrawingCompositor ux
DrawingPanel ux
DrawingPanelBase ux
A Panel that can be used to draw lines using your finger. As the DrawingPanel is native only, it must be contained in a NativeViewHost.
EdgeNavigator ux
Ellipse ux
FileVideoSource ux
GraphicsView ux
Grid ux
Image ux
LayoutControl ux
MapMarker ux
Adds a map marker to a MapView
MapOverlay ux
Adds a map overlay to a MapView
MapView ux
MultiLayout ux
MultiLayoutPanel ux
Allows you to move Elements between different layouts using the Placeholder
NativeViewHost ux
NavigationBar ux
Navigator ux
NavigatorSwipe ux
Number ux
Deprecated, for backwards compatibility
Page ux
PageControl ux
PageIndicator ux
Builds indicator icons for each page of a PageControl based on a specified template, and displays them next to each other. To use it, you have to provide a template named Dot
as well as providing a PageControl to listen to through the Navigation
PageIndicatorDot ux
PageView ux
A Navigator without standard transitions. This is convenient when you want to provide custom transitions for all pages.
Panel ux
Path ux
PathPointAtDistance ux
The point at a normalized distance (0..1) along a path.
PathPointAtTime ux
The point at a normalized time (0..1) along a path.
PathTangentAngleAtDistance ux
The tangent angle at a normalized distance (0..1) along a path.
PathTangentAngleAtTime ux
The tangent angle (radians) at a normalized time (0..1) along a path.
PhotoCaptured ux
Placeholder ux
RangeControl ux
RangeControl2D ux
Rectangle ux
RegularPolygon ux
Draws a polygon with a number of equal length sides.
SafeEdgePanel ux
ScrollView ux
ScrollViewBase ux
ScrollViewPager ux
ScrollViewPagerArgs ux
ScrollViewSnap ux
Shadow ux
Slider ux
StackPanel ux
Star ux
StatusBarBackground ux
Switch ux
Text ux
TextBlock ux
Deprecated, for backwards compatibility
TextBox ux
A TextInput with a default look and feel.
TextInput ux
TextView ux
TimePicker ux
ToggleControl ux
TopFrameBackground ux
UrlVideoSource ux
Video ux
Viewbox ux
WebView ux
WrapPanel ux
CameraInfo uno
CameraViewBase uno
Control uno
DatePickerBase uno
DownloadEventArgs uno
EllipticalShape uno
KeyframeAccessors uno
MapEventArgs uno
MarkerEventArgs uno
NavigationControl uno
A standard page navigation system. This provides standard transitions, user interaction and appropriate page handling for a basic linear navigation.
Nothing uno
PathExpression uno
Represents a reactive object-member look-up operation.
Photo uno
PhotoOption uno
PhotoPreview uno
PhotoPreviewBase uno
PhotoResolution uno
Recording uno
RecordingSession uno
ScrollPositionChangedArgs uno
SegmentedShape uno
Shape uno
TextControl uno
TextInputActionArgs uno
TextInputControl uno
Base class for text editing controls.
ThumbnailSizeHint uno
TimePickerBase uno
URISchemeEventArgs uno
VideoSource uno
MapEventHandler (object, MapEventArgs) uno
MapPositionEventHandler (double, double) uno
MarkerEventHandler (object, MarkerEventArgs) uno
ScrollPositionChangedHandler (object, ScrollPositionChangedArgs) uno
TextInputActionHandler (object, TextInputActionArgs) uno
AutoCapitalizationHint uno
AutoCorrectHint uno
CameraFacing uno
CaptureMode uno
CurveClose uno
CurveExtrude uno
CurveStyle uno
DatePickerStyle uno
Available DatePicker style
FitMode uno
Determines how the bounds of a path are calculated for fitting into an element.
FlashMode uno
LineCap uno
LineJoin uno
MapStyle uno
NavigationControlBlockInput uno
NavigationControlInactiveState uno
Specifies what happens to pages which are not currently active.
NavigationControlInteraction uno
Specifies what user interaction is provided.
NavigationControlTransition uno
Specifies what transition is used to move between pages.
NavigatorGotoState uno
NavigatorSwipeDirection uno
NavigatorSwipeHow uno
OverlayType uno
PageFreeze uno
PagePrepareBusy uno
PathMeasureMode uno
PreviewStretchMode uno
RemoveType uno
Specifies how pages are removed from navigation (the child is actually removed from the UI tree).
ReuseType uno
In order of most restrictve (except Default) to least restrictive (which imply the less restrictve ones as well).
SafeEdgePanelEdges uno
The sides of the SafeEdgePanel that get system padding.
ScrollDirections uno
Specifies which scroll directions are allowed, or considered, in a control or gesture.
ScrollViewLayoutMode uno
How is the ScrollPosition of a ScrollView modified when the layout changes.
SnapAlign uno
How the lock position of ScrollView viewport are treated.
TextAlignment uno
TextInputActionStyle uno
TextInputActionType uno
TextInputHint uno
TextTruncation uno
TextWrapping uno
TimePickerStyle uno
Available TimePicker style
IPhotoPreview uno
IPhotoPreviewHost uno
ISourceReceiver uno
ITextEditControl uno
Allows TextEdit and TextInput to be treated the same in triggers.