Fuse.Navigation Namespace
UX Classes
ActivatingAnimation ux
Deactivated ux
DeactivatingAnimation ux
DirectNavigation ux
DynamicLinearNavigation ux
A linear navigation that retains the active state during changes of the pages
EdgeNavigation ux
EnteringAnimation ux
ExitingAnimation ux
FindRouter ux
GoBack ux
Navigates backward in the navigation stack/z-order of a Navigation, PageControl, or WebView.
GoForward ux
Navigates forward in a Navigation, PageControl, or WebView.
GotoRoute ux
GotoRouteCommand ux
HierarchicalNavigation ux
LinearNavigation ux
ModifyRoute ux
ModifyRouteCommand ux
NavigateTo ux
NavigateToggle ux
PageExpression ux
PushRoute ux
PushRouteCommand ux
Push a full path on the router.
Router ux
RouterCancelNavigation ux
Cancels a partial navigation on the Router.
SwipeNavigate ux
WhileActive ux
WhileCanGoBack ux
WhileCanGoForward ux
WhileInactive ux
WhileInEnterState ux
WhileInExitState ux
WhileNavigating ux
WhilePageActive ux
BackForwardNavigationTriggerAction uno
EnterExitAnimation uno
[subclass Fuse.Navigation.EnterExitAnimation]
NavigatedArgs uno
Navigation uno
NavigationAnimation uno
NavigationArgs uno
NavigationPageProperty uno
NavigationTrigger uno
NavigationTriggerAction uno
Route uno
Reporesents a route to be used with Router.
RouteModificationCommand uno
RouterModify uno
StructuredNavigation uno
VisualNavigation uno
WhileHistoryTrigger uno
WhileNavigationTrigger uno
ActivatedHandler (object, EventArgs) uno
ActivePageChangedHandler (object, Visual) uno
HistoryChangedHandler (object) uno
NavigatedHandler (object, NavigatedArgs) uno
NavigationHandler (object, NavigationArgs) uno
NavigationPageCountHandler (object) uno
NavigationPageProgressHandler (object, double, double) uno
NavigationStateChangedHandler (object, ValueChangedArgs<NavigationState>) uno
AllowedNavigationDirections uno
Which direction of navigation is allowed.
BackButtonAction uno
Describes what happens when the back button is pressed.
ModifyRouteHow uno
NavigationDirection uno
NavigationEdge uno
NavigationGotoMode uno
NavigationMode uno
NavigationState uno
RoutePagePath uno
The level of navigation that determines whether a page is active or inactive.
RoutePageTriggerWhen uno
When an Activated/Deactivated trigger fires on navigation change.
RouterGoBackBehavior uno
SwipeDirection uno
The direction of a swipe gesture. Left
means swiping to the left, etc.
IBaseNavigation uno
A minimal interface implemented by simple navigation behaviors and controls.