Fuse.Triggers.Actions Namespace
UX Classes
BringToFront ux
Call ux
Callback ux
CancelInteractions ux
Collapse ux
Collapses an Element by setting Visibilty
to Collapsed
DebugAction ux
DebugFrame ux
DebugProperty<T> ux
DebugTime ux
EvaluateJS ux
GiveFocus ux
Gives focus to its containing Element when activated.
Hide ux
Hides an Element by setting Visibility
to Hidden
LaunchApp ux
LaunchEmail ux
LaunchInAppBrowser ux
LaunchMaps ux
LaunchUri ux
LoadHtml ux
LoadImage ux
LoadUrl ux
Loads a new URL into the WebView
Pause ux
Play ux
Pulse ux
Momentarily triggers a WhileTrue, WhileFalse or Timeline.
PulseBackward ux
PulseForward ux
RaiseUserEvent ux
ReleaseFocus ux
ReleasePage ux
For navigation this indicates the page (Visual) is no longer required and can be reused, or discarded, by the container.
<Move X="1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="0.3"/>
<ReleasePage AtProgress="1"/>
This is currently only necessary in a Navigator
and PageView
. You can safely call it on transitions used potentially also in a PageControl
Reload ux
Reloads the currently loaded URL
Resume ux
SendToBack ux
Set<T> ux
SetStatusBarUI ux
SetWindowOrientation ux
Show ux
Makes an Element visible by setting Visibility
to Visible
Sms ux
Stop ux
StopLoading ux
Stops loading the currently loading URL
TimelineAction ux
A unified action that controls a Timeline.
Toggle ux
TransitionLayout ux
TransitionState ux
An action that controls state of a StateGroup.
UserEventArg ux
Represents an argument to be passed with RaiseUserEvent