This is javacript module for taking biometric authentication. Both iOS and Android is using Fingerprint/Touch ID or Face Recognition/Face ID sensor depending on what sensor are available on the device. You need to add a reference to "Fuse.Auth" in your project file to use this feature.


The following example shows how to use it:
        var Auth = require('FuseJS/Biometric');

        var authenticate = function(e) {
            if (Auth.isBiometricSupported()) {
                Auth.authenticate("We need your biometric data to continue").then(function(result) {
                    if (result.status) {
                        // auth success
                    } else {
        module.exports = {
        <Button Text="Sign In" Alignment="Center">
            <Clicked Handler="{authenticate}" />

When Using FaceID on iOS, it is mandatory to add description about why you need authentication using FaceID. You can add the description by adding this config on your unoproj file

"iOS": {
    "PList": {
        "NSFaceIDUsageDescription": "Require access to FaceID for authenticating"


Fuse.Auth 2.9.1
Show Uno properties and methods

Interface of BiometricModule

Inherited from NativeModule

Inherited from Module

GetFile : FileSource uno

Returns the file source that will be watched by the Context for changes in Fuse preview. Override in subclasses and return correct file source to support live updates in Fuse preview.

Inherited from object

Attached UX Attributes

GlobalKey (attached by Resource) : string ux

The ux:Global attribute creates a global resource that is accessible everywhere in UX markup.

Implemented Interfaces