Fuse.Triggers Namespace
UX Classes
AddingAnimation ux
Android ux
Busy ux
BusyTaskModule ux
Completed ux
CompletedEventArgs ux
ContainingText ux
DEPRECATED: Use WhileContainsText instead
InteractionCompleted ux
iOS ux
LayoutAnimation ux
OnBackButton ux
OnKeyPress ux
OnUserEvent ux
Triggers when a UserEvent is raised.
PageBeginLoading ux
Triggers when a WebView begins loading a page
PageLoaded ux
Triggers when a WebView finishes loading a page
ProgressAnimation ux
Triggers when a Slider or other compatible control changes its value.
PullToReload ux
RangeAnimation ux
RemovingAnimation ux
Scrolled ux
ScrolledArgs ux
ScrollingAnimation ux
State ux
A Trigger that is managed by a StateGroup.
StateGroup ux
TextInputActionTriggered ux
Timeline ux
Transition ux
WhileBusy ux
WhileCompleted ux
Active while the Video is completed.
WhileContainsText ux
WhileDisabled ux
Active while the IsEnabled
property of its containing element is False
WhileEnabled ux
WhileFailed ux
WhileFalse ux
WhileFloat ux
Active when the float
fulfills some criteria.
WhileFocused ux
Active whenever its containing element is in focus.
WhileFocusWithin ux
Active whenever a child of its containing element is in focus.
WhileInteracting ux
WhileKeyboardVisible ux
Active when on-screen controls are visible, such as the keyboard. This excludes the fixed controls, such as navigation and home button, on some devices.
WhileLoading ux
WhileNotFocused ux
WhilePageLoading ux
A trigger that is active while its parent WebView is loading.
WhilePaused ux
Active while the Video is paused.
WhilePlaying ux
Active while the Video is playing.
WhileScrollable ux
Active when a ScrollView can be scrolled.
WhileScrolled ux
Is active while the ScrollView is scrolled within a given region.
WhileScrollSnapping ux
Active while an element is positioned within the snapping area.
<ScrollView LayoutMode="PreserveVisual">
<Each Count="100" Reuse="Frame" >
<Panel ux:Name="panel" Color="#AAA">
<Text ux:Name="text" Value="Data-{= index() }"/> <a href="../fuse/triggers/whilescrollsnapping.html" class="table-of-contents-item-has-more" title="There is more information available for this entry"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a>
WhileString ux
Activate when the condition on the string value is true
WhileTrue ux
WhileVisible ux
Active when the parent element is visible.
WhileVisibleInScrollView ux
Active while an element is positioned within the visible area of the ScrollView.
<Each Items="{images}">
<DockPanel Height="100">
<Image Url="{source}" MemoryPolicy="UnloadUnused" Dock="Left"
Visibility="Hidden" ux:Name="theImage"/>
<Text Value="{description}" TextWrapping="Wrap"/> <a href="../fuse/triggers/whilevisibleinscrollview.html" class="table-of-contents-item-has-more" title="There is more information available for this entry"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a>
WhileWindowLandscape ux
WhileWindowPortrait ux
WhileWindowSize ux
BusyTask uno
IScrolledLengths uno
LayoutTransition uno
LayoutTransitionedArgs uno
PulseTrigger<ArgsT> uno
Trigger uno
WhileBool uno
WhileEnabledDisabledTrigger uno
WhileTrigger uno
WhileValue<T> uno
WhileWindowAspect uno
WindowSizeTrigger uno
KeyPressHandler (object, KeyEventArgs) uno
LayoutTransitionedHandler (object, LayoutTransitionedArgs) uno
BusyOn uno
BusyTaskActivity uno
BusyTaskMatch uno
CompletedActivation uno
LayoutAnimationType uno
OnUserEventFilter uno
ScrolledWhere uno
A relative location in a ScrollView
ScrollingAnimationRange uno
StateTransition uno
TransitionDirection uno
Limits the Transition
to match in a particular direction, relative to the page, of navigation.
TransitionMode uno
TriggerBypassMode uno
TriggerPlayState uno
WhileStringTest uno
WhileVisibleInScrollViewMode uno
How the bounds of an element are treated.