FuseJS/Maps Module (JS)
Lanches the map application using the provided latitude
pair and/or query
You need to add a reference to Fuse.Launcher
in your project file to use this feature.
This code will launch a map centered at the nearest pizza restaurant.
var Maps = require("FuseJS/Maps");
Maps.searchNear(59.9117715, 10.7400957, "pizza restaurant");
- Namespace
- Fuse.Reactive.FuseJS
- Package
- Fuse.Launcher.Maps 2.9.1
Interface of Maps
openAt() js
searchNear() js
searchNearby() js
Inherited from NativeModule
AddMember(NativeMember) uno
Reset : EventHandler (object, EventArgs) ux
Inherited from Module
Dispose uno
Evaluate(Context, ModuleResult) uno
Evaluate(Context, string) : ModuleResult uno
Evaluated : EventHandler (object, EventArgs) ux
EvaluateExports(Context, string) : object uno
GetFile : FileSource uno
Returns the file source that will be watched by the Context for changes in Fuse preview. Override in subclasses and return correct file source to support live updates in Fuse preview.