Rotating sidebar

In this example we’re making a fancy rotating sidebar, as shown below:

Update: Watch a video of Jake going through this example.

We begin by creating our main panel. Since we want it to rotate around its top-left corner when the sidebar appears, we set TransformOrigin="TopLeft".

<Panel ux:Name="content" TransformOrigin="TopLeft">
    ... the content of our app ...

Next up – the sidebar. Since we want the buttons to transition in from the left, we horizontally offset it by -130pt so it’s off-screen.

<StackPanel Offset="-130,0" Alignment="BottomLeft" Margin="0,0,0,50">
    <DockPanel ux:Class="IconAndLabel" Margin="30">
        <string ux:Property="Text" />
        <Text Value="{ReadProperty Text}" Dock="Bottom" Color="#fffa" FontSize="14" Alignment="HorizontalCenter" Margin="0,10,0,0" Font="RobotoBold" />

    <IconAndLabel ux:Name="profileButton" Text="PROFILE">
            <AccountIcon />

            <Set showMenu.Value="false" />

    <IconAndLabel ux:Name="stickersButton" Text="STICKERS">
            <StickersIcon />

            <Set showMenu.Value="false" />

    <IconAndLabel ux:Name="addButton" Text="ADD STICKER">
            <AddIcon />

            <Set showMenu.Value="false" />

Now, for the menu button in the top-left corner. This is offset by half its size, so that we only see a quarter of it. The icons are placed in the left and right bottom corners, so we can rotate the whole thing by 90° to alternate between them.

<Panel ux:Name="menuButton" Width="170" Height="170" Alignment="TopLeft" Offset="-85,-85" Padding="40">
    <Circle Layer="Background" Color="#EE8485" />
    <HamburgerIcon Alignment="BottomRight"/>
    <CloseIcon Alignment="BottomLeft" />

        <Toggle Target="showMenu" />

And finally – the animation! You may have noticed the Clicked triggers in the two previous sections. They toggle the following WhileTrue trigger that animates the main panel, the menu button and the sidebar buttons.

<WhileTrue ux:Name="showMenu">
    <Rotate Target="content" Degrees="-45"
            Duration="0.45"    Easing="ExponentialInOut"
            DurationBack="0.6" EasingBack="BounceIn" />

    <Rotate Target="menuButton" Degrees="-90"
            Duration="0.45"    Easing="ExponentialInOut"
            DurationBack="0.6" EasingBack="BounceIn" />

    <Move Target="profileButton" X="120"
          Delay="0.3"   Duration="0.6"     Easing="ElasticOut"
          DelayBack="0" DurationBack="0.3" EasingBack="QuarticInOut" />

    <Move Target="stickersButton" X="150"
          Delay="0.32"  Duration="0.65"    Easing="ElasticOut"
          DelayBack="0" DurationBack="0.3" EasingBack="QuarticInOut" />

    <Move Target="addButton" X="180"
          Delay="0.34"  Duration="0.7"     Easing="ElasticOut"
          DelayBack="0" DurationBack="0.3" EasingBack="QuarticInOut" />

    <Change statusBarConfig.IsVisible="false" Delay=".25" />

When the icons in the sidebar are clicked, an animated circle appears which grows outwards from the icon. This animation is achieved with:

    <Scale Target="tapAnimationCircle" Factor="5"
           Duration="0.5" Easing="QuarticOut"
           DurationBack="0" />

    <Change tapAnimationCircle.Opacity="0"
            Duration="0.5" Easing="QuarticOut"
            DurationBack="0" />

    <Change tapAnimationCircle.Smoothness="10"
            Duration="0.5" Easing="QuarticOut"
            DurationBack="0" />

    <Change tapAnimationStroke.Width="0"
            Duration="0.5" Easing="ExponentialOut"
            DurationBack="0" />