Pull to reload

In this example we will implement a pull to reload design inspired by this cool piece by Michael B. Mayers.

The PullToReload-trigger

Fuse has a Trigger called PullToReload, which we use in this example. The following snippet illustrates its basic usage.

<PullToReload IsLoading="{isLoading}" ReloadHandler="{reloadHandler}">
	<State ux:Binding="Pulling">
		<!-- active while pulling -->
	<State ux:Binding="PulledPastThreshold">
		<!-- activates when pulled past threshold -->
	<State ux:Binding="Loading">
		<!-- active while loading -->

PullToReload has three properties which we can bind State objects to. Each State is activated in response to different parts of the pull gesture as commented on in the snippet.

The ScrollView normally allows the user to scroll a bit past the top and snaps back as it gets released. Since we want to control this behavior ourselves, we set the SnapMinTransform property of the ScrollView to false:

<ScrollView SnapMinTransform="false"/>

The loading content

When pulling on the ScrollView, we show a Panel containing our cog wheel images. We define two classes for our cog wheels, that inherit from another class, Cog:

<Image ux:Class="Cog" MaxHeight="200" MaxWidth="200" Alignment="Center" />
<Cog ux:Class="SmallCog" Color="#3e64b7" File="Assets/cog1_white.png" Width="60" Height="60" />
<Cog ux:Class="BigCog" Color="#3562c4" File="Assets/cog2_white.png" Width="120" Height="120" />

We can then place the cog wheels in our loading Panel using the Offset property and Rotation transform to make sure they fit together nicely. We also add a larger Translation to the BigCog elements so that we can animate them into place as we reach the pull threshold.

<Panel ux:Name="cogPanel" Background="#183A6F" Alignment="Top" Height="0" MinHeight="0">
    <SmallCog ux:Name="cog1">
        <Rotation ux:Name="cog1Rotation" />
    <BigCog ux:Name="cog2" Offset="60,-60">
        <Translation ux:Name="cog2Trans" Y="-100" />
        <Rotation ux:Name="cog2Rotation" />
    <BigCog ux:Name="cog3" Offset="-60,60">
        <Translation ux:Name="cog3Trans" Y="100" />
        <Rotation Degrees="10" />
        <Rotation ux:Name="cog3Rotation" />
    <BigCog ux:Name="cog4" Offset="130,30">
        <Translation ux:Name="cog4Trans" Y="100" />
        <Rotation Degrees="5" />
        <Rotation ux:Name="cog4Rotation" />
    <BigCog ux:Name="cog5" Offset="-100, -47">
        <Translation ux:Name="cog5Trans" Y="-100" />
        <Rotation Degrees="8" />
        <Rotation ux:Name="cog5Rotation" />

ScrollingAnimation is used to animate the Height of our loading panel as we pull on the ScrollView. We set the Range property to SnapMin, which means that this animator will activate over the “SnapMin” range of our ScrollView. We also animate the rotation of our cog wheels for a nice effect.

<ScrollingAnimation Range="SnapMin">
    <Change cogPanel.Height="150" Duration="1" />
    <Change cog1Rotation.Degrees="200" Duration="1" />
    <Change cog2Rotation.Degrees="-93" Duration="1" />
    <Change cog3Rotation.Degrees="-93" Duration="1" />
    <Change cog4Rotation.Degrees="93" Duration="1" />
    <Change cog5Rotation.Degrees="93" Duration="1" />

We want to move the big cog wheels into place when we have reached the reload threshold. We do that by playing a Timeline which animates the Translations we added earlier:

<Timeline ux:Name="moveCogsIntoPlace">
    <Change cog2Trans.Y="0" Duration="0.6" DurationBack="0.2" Easing="CircularOut" />
    <Change cog3Trans.Y="0" Duration="0.6" DurationBack="0.2" Easing="CircularOut" />
    <Change cog4Trans.Y="0" Duration="0.6" DurationBack="0.2" Easing="CircularOut" />
    <Change cog5Trans.Y="0" Duration="0.6" DurationBack="0.2" Easing="CircularOut" />

We use the Spin animator to rotate the cog wheels endlessly while our PullToReload trigger is in the Loading state:

<State ux:Binding="Loading">
    <Change retainSpace.Value="true" DurationBack="0.5" />
    <Spin Target="cog1" Frequency="0.53125" />
    <Spin Target="cog2" Frequency="-0.25" />
    <Spin Target="cog3" Frequency="-0.25" />
    <Spin Target="cog4" Frequency="0.25" />
    <Spin Target="cog5" Frequency="0.25" />
    <TimelineAction Target="moveCogsIntoPlace" How="PlayTo" When="Backward" Progress="0" />

We also activate a WhileTrue trigger which makes sure our loading panel maintains a certain size:

<WhileTrue ux:Name="retainSpace">
    <Change cogPanel.MinHeight="75" Duration="0" DurationBack="0.3" Easing="CircularIn" />

Adding it to our app

The last thing we do is to add our custom pull to reload component to our app:

<ScrollView SnapMinTransform="false">
        <CogWheelReload Dock="Top" />
        <StackPanel Background="#fff">
            <Shadow ux:Name="dropShadow" Color="#333" Distance="10" Size="10" Angle="180" />
            <Each Count="15">
                <Panel Margin="0,0,0,2" Height="70" Background="#ddd" />

We also have a few lines of JavaScript to simulate the loading state:

    var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

    function endLoading(){
        isLoading.value = false;

    function reloadHandler(){
        isLoading.value = true;
        setTimeout(endLoading, 3000);

    var isLoading = Observable(false);

    module.exports = {
        isLoading: isLoading,
        reloadHandler: reloadHandler