Pages using JavaScript

This example uses Router and Navigator to create a list of pages that can be navigated to with corresponding buttons.

We create a list of 20 pages by calling the createPage function inside a for-loop and adding each page to an Observable. Each page has a title string and a clicked function. When clicked is called on a page, it pushes a new instance of subPage onto the router’s navigation stack, and sends the title of the page as a parameter.

var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

function createPage(title) {
    return {
        title: title,
        clicked: function() {
            router.push("subPage", { title: title })

var pages = Observable();

for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
    pages.add(createPage("PAGE " + i));

module.exports = { pages: pages };

Inside mainPage, we iterate over the pages Observable using an Each, creating a button for each page using a Panel. We bind the Clicked property of our button panel to the clicked function we defined above.

<Navigator DefaultPath="mainPage">
    <Page ux:Template="mainPage">
            <StackPanel ItemSpacing="7" Margin="7">
                <Each Items="{pages}">
                    <Panel Clicked="{clicked}" Height="50">
                        <Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="3" Color="#FF8362" />
                        <Text Value="{title}" Alignment="Center" Color="#fff" FontSize="15" />
        <AlternateRoot ParentNode="navBar">

Next up: SubPage. We map over the navigation parameter passed through push(), and export the title as an Observable. This is then data bound to a Text control inside the page.

<Page ux:Class="SubPage">
        exports.title = {
            return param.title;
    <Text Value="{title}" FontSize="50" TextColor="#3C4663" Alignment="Center"/>

To make the navigation bar at the top change title depending on the currently active page, we introduce a new NavBarTitle component. This is simply a Text with an EnteringAnimation and an ExitingAnimation to fade it in/out when its parent page is navigated to and from.

<Text ux:Class="NavBarTitle" HitTestMode="None" Alignment="Center" FontSize="25" TextColor="#FFF">
        <Move X="50" Duration="0.35" Easing="CubicInOut" />
        <Change this.Opacity="0" Duration="0.25" Easing="CubicIn" />
        <Move X="-50" Duration="0.35" Easing="CubicInOut" />
        <Change this.Opacity="0" Duration="0.25" Easing="CubicIn" />

To make this appear inside the navigation bar, we use AlternateRoot and declare the navigation bar as a dependency of our SubPage component.

    <Visual ux:Dependency="navBar" />
        <AlternateRoot ParentNode="navBar">
            <NavBarTitle Value="{title}" />

Now, let’s tie this together. We instantiate SubPage as a template for our Navigator with the key subPage, as well as satisfying its dependency on the navBar.

Here is our final MainView.ux:

<App Background="#eee">
    <Router ux:Name="router" />

        <JavaScript File="MainView.js"/>
        <StackPanel Dock="Top" Background="#3CB5D0">
            <Fuse.iOS.StatusBarConfig Style="Light"/>
            <Panel ux:Name="navBar" Dock="Top" Height="50">
                    <Panel ux:Name="backButton" Width="90" Height="50" Alignment="Left" 
                           Padding="20,0,0,0" HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
                            <Image File="arrow-left-white.png" Height="20" Color="#fff" Dock="Left"/>
                            <Text Alignment="Center" Margin="5,0,0,0" FontSize="18" Color="#fff" Dock="Right">
                            <Change backButton.Opacity="0" Duration=".3" />
                            <Change backButton.Opacity="0" Duration=".3" />
                            <GoBack />
        <BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" />
        <Navigator DefaultPath="mainPage">
            <Page ux:Template="mainPage">
                    <StackPanel ItemSpacing="7" Margin="7">
                        <Each Items="{pages}">
                            <Panel Clicked="{clicked}" Height="50">
                                <Rectangle Layer="Background" CornerRadius="3" Color="#FF8362" />
                                <Text Value="{title}" Alignment="Center" Color="#fff" FontSize="15" />
                <AlternateRoot ParentNode="navBar">

            <SubPage ux:Template="subPage" navBar="navBar" />