Overlay menu

This example shows how to use Keyframe with Scaling and Translation to make a set of wobbly buttons. The example was inspired by this awesome piece by Radek Skrzypczak, which is a design for a task list app.

The skull icon was created by Vincent Le Moign.

The arrow icon is from Google’s Material Icons pack.

This example has two main parts: the background task page and the animated overlay menu. The overlay menu is probably the most interesting part, so we’ll start with that.

Animating the menu

We place the “menu”-Panel on top of the task page by placing the Panel on top of the task Panel as its sibling.

    <Panel HitTestMode="None">
        <Rectangle ux:Name="addTaskButtons" Layer="Background" Margin="0,0,0,80"/>
            <StatusBarBackground Dock="Top"/>
            <ux:Include File="AddTaskPage.ux" />

    <Grid Rows="auto,auto,3*,2*,auto">

The buttons and their animation is defined in their own file and included in MainView.ux using the <ux:Include /> syntax:

<ux:Include File="AddTaskPage.ux"/>
<Panel ux:Name="ellipse1" Alignment="Bottom" Width="60" Height="60" Opacity="0">
    <Image File="Assets/skull.png" Margin="17"/>
    <Circle Color="Red1">
        <Stroke Color="Red3" Width="2" Offset="4" />

    <Translation ux:Name="ellipseTrans1" />
    <Scaling ux:Name="ellipseScaling1" Y="0.1" X="0.1"/>

<Text ux:Class="EllipseText" Alignment="Center" FontSize="26"/>
<Panel ux:Name="ellipse2" Alignment="Bottom"  Width="60" Height="60" Opacity="0">
    <EllipseText Value="!!!" Color="Orange1"/>
    <Circle Color="White1"/>
    <Translation ux:Name="ellipseTrans2" />
    <Scaling ux:Name="ellipseScaling2" Y="0.1" X="0.1"/>
<Panel ux:Name="ellipse3" Alignment="Bottom" Width="60" Height="60" Opacity="0">
    <EllipseText Value="!!" Color="Gray1"/>
    <Circle Color="White1"/>
    <Translation ux:Name="ellipseTrans3" />
    <Scaling ux:Name="ellipseScaling3" Y="0.1" X="0.1"/>
<Panel ux:Name="ellipse4" Alignment="Bottom" Width="60" Height="60" Opacity="0">
    <EllipseText Value="!" Color="Gray2"/>
    <Circle Color="White1" />
    <Translation ux:Name="ellipseTrans4" />
    <Scaling ux:Name="ellipseScaling4" Y="0.1" X="0.1"/>

The buttons are created using a Panel with a containing Circle. Note that we do not actually use the Button class in this case. They also each have their own Translation and Scaling, which we use to create their animation.

Their animation is triggered by toggling a WhileTrue in response to a Clicked event. Each button is animated individually by a Change of their Scaling and Transform. They also have their Opacity animated in the same way.

<Change Target="ellipseScaling1.Vector">
    <Keyframe Time="0.1" Value="1.4,1.0"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.2" Value="0.8,1.0"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.3" Value="1.0,1.0"/>
<Change ellipseTrans1.Y="-80"  Duration="0.2" Delay="0" Easing="QuinticInOut"/>
<Change ellipse1.Opacity="1" Duration="0.3" Easing="QuinticOut"/>

<Change Target="ellipseScaling2.Vector">
    <Keyframe Time="0.15" Value="1.0,1.4"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.3" Value="1.0,0.9"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.4" Value="1.0,1.0"/>
<Change ellipseTrans2.Y="-160"  Duration="0.25" Delay="0" Easing="QuinticInOut" />
<Change ellipse2.Opacity="1" Duration="0.4" Easing="QuinticOut"/>

<Change Target="ellipseScaling3.Vector">
    <Keyframe Time="0.2" Value="1.0,1.6"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.3" Value="1.0,0.9"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.4" Value="1.0,1.0"/>
<Change ellipseTrans3.Y="-240" Duration="0.3" Delay="0" Easing="QuinticInOut"/>
<Change ellipse3.Opacity="1" Duration="0.45" Easing="QuinticOut"/>

<Change Target="ellipseScaling4.Vector">
    <Keyframe Time="0.25" Value="1.0,1.4"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.4" Value="1.0,0.9"/>
    <Keyframe Time="0.5" Value="1.0,1.0"/>
<Change ellipseTrans4.Y="-320" Duration="0.35" Delay="0" Easing="QuinticInOut"/>
<Change ellipse4.Opacity="1" Duration="0.5" Easing="QuinticOut"/>

The task page

The task page has no animation but is composed of a few building blocks. The main layout is a Grid with five rows. The first row contain the StatusBarBackground, which is used to compensate for the height of the status bar. The second row contains the top bar, with a title and a familiar hamburger icon (like them or not, they’re very common these days).

<Grid Columns="1*,1*,1*" Height="50" Margin="20,0">
    <Grid Width="20" RowCount="2" Height="15" Alignment="Left">
        <Rectangle Height="2" Color="White"/>
        <Rectangle Height="2" Color="White"/>
    <T Value="Today" Alignment="Center"/>

The next two rows contains the mock list of tasks:

<StackPanel ItemSpacing="20">
        module.exports = { items: ['The first task', 'The second task', 'The third task'] };
    <Each Items="{items}">
        <Grid Columns="1*,auto" Margin="20,0">
            <T Alignment="CenterLeft" Value="{}" />
            <Rectangle Width="30" Height="30" Opacity="0.5">
                <Stroke Color="Gray2" Width="2"/>
        <Rectangle Height="1" Color="Gray2" Opacity="0.6"/>

and the mock listing of the three task severities:

<Grid ColumnCount="3">
    <Rectangle Color="Gray2" Height="2" Layer="Background" Y="70%"/>
    <TaskCounter Severity="!!!" SeverityColor="#EF804F"
                 Count="3" Text="IMPORTANT" />
    <TaskCounter Severity="!!" SeverityColor="#939393"
                 Count="2" Text="REALLY?" />
    <TaskCounter Severity="!" SeverityColor="#DBDBDB"
                 Count="5" Text="MEH!" />

The TaskCounter class is defined as follows, and was made just as a convenience.

<Grid ux:Class="TaskCounter" Rows="1*,3*,2*"
      Margin="10,20" Padding="10" Color="White">
    <string ux:Property="Severity" />
    <float4 ux:Property="SeverityColor" />

    <string ux:Property="Count" />
    <string ux:Property="Text" />

    <Panel Alignment="TopCenter" Y="-20" Background="White" Layer="Overlay">
        <Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Severity}"
              Color="{ReadProperty this.SeverityColor}"
              FontSize="22" Margin="3,0"/>
    <Rectangle Layer="Background">
        <Stroke Width="2" Color="Gray2" />
    <Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Text}" Alignment="Center" FontSize="10"/>
    <Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Count}" FontSize="70" Alignment="Center"/>
    <Image File="Assets/arrowForward.png" Color="Gray2" Width="20" Height="20"/>

And that’s it! Feel free to download the example code and play around.