Material transition
This example shows how you can create a neat material design card animation. It is inspired by this awesome piece by Ivan Bjelajac.
The icons are from Google’s Material Icons, and images from Unsplash.
Resources, data and components
Global, static resources such as fonts, text styles and the color palette are defined as a ux:Class
in a separate file, StaticResources.ux
Since it only contains static resources (ux:Class
and ux:Global
) it doesn’t need to be instantiated – its contents are automatically available from any other file in our project.
<Panel ux:Class="StaticResources">
<Font ux:Global="RobotoMedium" File="Assets/Roboto-Medium.ttf" />
<float4 ux:Global="PrimaryColor" ux:Value="#29B6F6" />
<float4 ux:Global="AccentColor" ux:Value="#E91E63" />
<Text ux:Class="SmallHeaderText" Font="RobotoMedium" FontSize="17" Color="PrimaryColor" Margin="0,15,0,0" />
<Text ux:Class="BodyText" FontSize="14" Color="#263238" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<BodyText ux:Class="MutedText" Color="#888" />
Our made-up mock data comes from a JavaScript file which exports an array of events under the key events
<JavaScript File="data.js" />
The app also contains a number of components whose internals aren’t relevant to the effect this example focuses on, but mainly serve to mimic parts of a real-world app screen.
To reduce clutter in our MainView.ux
, these are defined in separate files under the Components/
Navigation and layout
Although this example demonstrates a navigation flow, we are going to use Selection
and Selectable
to handle the navigation between the list of cards and the expanded state.
The reason is that we’re not actually navigating between pages, but rather moving elements around to expose the content and fill the screen when a card is expanded.
fits this use case perfectly, since we can have a WhileSelected
trigger for each card that animates that particular card to the expanded state.
Additionally, we’ve configured our Selection
to allow no more than one item to be selected at a time.
This gives us the behavior of a two-state navigation system, where we can either have zero selected items (list of cards), or one selected item (expanded view of a particular card).
Below is the basic outer structure of the app.
<StatusAndAppBar ux:Name="statusAndAppBar" Dock="Top" />
<ScrollView ux:Name="mainScrollView" ClipToBounds="false" LayoutMode="PreserveVisual">
<StackPanel Margin="0,0,0,15">
<Selection MinCount="0" MaxCount="1" />
<Each Items="{events}">
<EventCard layoutTarget="contentPlaceholder">
<Selectable Value="{id}" />
<Change mainScrollView.UserScroll="false" DelayBack="0" />
<Move Target="statusAndAppBar" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="1.2" Delay="0.1" Easing="QuarticOut" EasingBack="QuarticIn" />
<BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" />
The cards
In our mock dataset, we’ve given each item a unique id
, which we bind to the Value
of each card’s Selectable
This is required by Selectable
to identify what is currently selected.
We’ve also declared a ImageHeight
property with a default value of 200.
As we’ll see next, this is done to reduce duplication, as we’ll use this value twice.
Additionally, we have defined a ux:Dependency="layoutTarget"
that requires us to pass in a reference to the contentPlaceholder Panel
, so that we can change the LayoutMaster
of the card contents to an element outside of the ux:Class
<StackPanel ux:Class="EventCard" ImageHeight="200">
<float ux:Property="ImageHeight" />
<Panel ux:Dependency="layoutTarget" />
The image part of each card actually contains both the image and the expanded content.
However, the DockPanel
containing the image and content has ClipToBounds="true"
and is wrapped in a panel whose Height
is set to the ImageHeight
property we defined earlier.
This results in only the topmost 200pt of the imageAndContent
panel being visible.
<Panel ux:Name="contentLimitPanel" Height="{ReadProperty ImageHeight}">
<DockPanel ux:Name="imageAndContent" ClipToBounds="true" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
We set the Height
of the panel containing the image and title to the same ImageHeight
property as contentLimitPanel
Now the image has the same height as contentLimitPanel
and thus fits perfectly within the clipped area, rendering the expanded content invisible.
<Panel Dock="Top" Height="{ReadProperty ImageHeight}">
The transition
At the root of our app, we have defined an empty panel named contentPlaceholder
and as shown before, we have passed it in as a ux:Dependency
to all of our cards.
<Panel ux:Name="contentPlaceholder" />
<Each Items="{events}">
<EventCard layoutTarget="contentPlaceholder">
<StackPanel ux:Class="EventCard" ImageHeight="200">
<Panel ux:Dependency="layoutTarget" />
When a card is selected, we change the LayoutMaster
of the panel containing the image and content to this layoutTarget
This results in contentLimitPanel
no longer limiting the panel’s height, and it can take up all the space inside contentPlaceholder
, making the content visible.
Since contentPlaceholder
is placed at the root of our app, this will make it fill the whole screen.
<Change imageAndContent.LayoutMaster="layoutTarget" DelayBack="0" Delay="0" />
We’ll add a LayoutAnimation
to the imageAndContent
panel to smoothly animate to the new position and size.
<Move X="1" RelativeTo="WorldPositionChange" DelayBack="0" Duration="0.2" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />
<Move Y="1" RelativeTo="WorldPositionChange" DelayBack="0" Duration="0.2" Easing="SinusoidalIn" />
<Resize X="1" Y="1" RelativeTo="SizeChange" DelayBack="0" Duration="0.25" Easing="QuadraticIn" />
Next, we add a BringToFront
to bring the card in front of all other cards.
Because the card is still rooted within the main ScrollView
, the imageAndContent
panel is still tied to the scroll position, even when we change its LayoutMaster
Thus, we immediately disable user interaction for this ScrollView
, so that the user can’t scroll the list of cards while a card is expanded.
Since the expanded content shouldn’t have any margin at all, we can’t just add a margin around the whole card.
Instead, the same 15pt margin is applied to both the image
and the card’s background separately.
This lets us animate the margin of only the image
to to 0 during the transition.
Because image
has Layer="Background"
, this will not result in any significant performance impact.
The status bar and app bar are moved out of view as well.
It is important to note that we have added a WhileSelected
trigger in two places - one in the Each
loop outside of the card ux:Class
, and another inside of of the ux:Class
This lets us have direct access to UX elements in global and local scopes, respectively. The instructions in both triggers get stacked and executed simultaneously.
<Change mainScrollView.UserScroll="false" DelayBack="0" />
<Move Target="statusAndAppBar" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size" Duration="1.2" Delay="0.1" Easing="QuarticOut" EasingBack="QuarticIn" />
<Change imageAndContent.LayoutMaster="layoutTarget" DelayBack="0" Delay="0" />
<BringToFront />
<Change image.CornerRadius="0" Duration="0.1" DelayBack="0" />
<Change image.Margin="0" Duration="0.25" Delay="0" DelayBack="0" Easing="CubicInOut" />
Some parts of the transition make more sense to animate the other way, that is, use the active state of a trigger to hide an element instead of expanding or revealing it.
Because of this, we have a separate inverted version of WhileSelected
, which will be active while the card is not selected.
Most of these animations are small details such as scaling the plus button, fading out the content, etc.
We also use it to fade out and disable hit tests for the detailNavigationBar
, which contains the back button.
<WhileSelected Invert="true">
<Change contentScrollView.Opacity="0.4" Duration="0.3" DelayBack="0" />
<Change content.Opacity="0.5" Duration="0.5" DelayBack="0" />
<Move Target="content" Y="30" Duration="0.7" DelayBack="0" Delay="0" Easing="QuadraticIn" />
<Scale Target="plusButton" Factor="0.01" Delay="0" Duration="0.2" DelayBack="0.25" DurationBack="0.55" Easing="CubicInOut" />
<Rotate Target="plusButton" Degrees="-90" Delay="0" Duration="0.5" DelayBack="0.25" DurationBack="1.1" EasingBack="CubicIn" />
<Change plusButton.Opacity="0" Duration="0.2" DelayBack="0.2" DurationBack="0.5" />
<Change detailNavigationBar.Opacity="0" Duration="0.2" Delay="0" />
<Change detailNavigationBar.HitTestMode="None" />
And that’s it! Feel free download the code and play around.