
This example shows how we can create an animated loading indicator. It includes a simulated background operation in JavaScript that triggers the visibility of our animation in the custom MyLoadingIndicator class. In this case we make use of Busy and WhileBusy triggers.

<App Background="#311B92">
	<iOS.StatusBarConfig Style="Light" />
	exports.startLoading = function() {
		setTimeout(function() {
		}, 4000);

	<Panel ux:Class="MyLoadingIndicator" ThemeColor="#1565C0">
		<float4 ux:Property="ThemeColor" />
		<Circle ux:Name="rotatingStroke" Width="50" Height="50" StartAngleDegrees="-45" EndAngleDegrees="45">
			<Stroke Width="2" Color="{ReadProperty ThemeColor}" />
		<Circle Color="{ReadProperty ThemeColor}" Width="20" Height="20">
			<Timeline ux:Name="myTimeline">
				<Scale Factor=".5" Duration=".25" Easing="CircularOut" EasingBack="CircularIn" />
				<Scale Factor="2" Duration=".25" Delay=".25" Easing="BounceOut" EasingBack="BounceIn" />
			<Cycle Target="myTimeline.TargetProgress" Low="0" High="1" Frequency=".5" />
			<Spin Target="rotatingStroke" Frequency="1" />

	<Panel Clicked="{startLoading}" HitTestMode="LocalBounds">
		<Busy ux:Name="isBusy" IsActive="false" />
			<Change loadingPanel.Opacity="1" Duration=".4" />
		<MyLoadingIndicator ux:Name="loadingPanel" Opacity="0" ThemeColor="#fff" />
		<Text Color="#fff6" Alignment="Bottom" TextAlignment="Center" Margin="0,40">Tap anywhere to load</Text>