Fluid indicator

This time we’ve implemented an awesome indicator.


This example displays an indicator with a fancy look and feel. The fill inside has a “fluid” with nice waves effect.

Static implementation

<Circle Size="100" Color="Black">
	<Stroke Width="4" Color="#00c000"/>
	<Circle Size="84">
		<Mask File="whiteCircle.png" Mode="Alpha" />
		<Rectangle Layer="Background" Size="150%" CornerRadius="50" Color="#00ca00" Y="45">
				<Spin Frequency=".2"/>
			<Shadow Color="#00ff00" Size="20" Distance="0" />
	<Text Value="50%" Alignment="Center" FontSize="24" Layer="Overlay" Color="#00ff00"/>

The code above shows the whole mark-up of the indicators implementation. It consist of the black circle with green stroke. This outer circle contains the smaller circle that masked by the png image using Mode="Alpha".

The waves effect achived by spinning the rectangle with rounded corners. Glow effect is a simple shadow.

The level of liquid is controling by the value of the Y property of the Rectangle.

Speed of spin can be chaged via Frequency property of the <Spin />.

Dynamic implementation

The dynamic changing of the indicator’s appearance will looks like this

<Circle ux:Class="FluidIndicator" Size="{ReadProperty Diameter}" Color="Black">
	<int ux:Property="Diameter"/>
	<float ux:Property="Max"/>
	<float ux:Property="Value"/>
	<float4 ux:Property="Color"/>
	<float4 ux:Property="TextColor"/>

	<Stroke Width="4" Color="{ReadProperty Color} * 0.9"/>
	<Circle Size="84">
		<Mask File="whiteCircle.png" Mode="Alpha" />
		<Rectangle Layer="Background" 
			Color="{ReadProperty Color}"
			Y="{ReadProperty Diameter} * (1 - {ReadProperty Value} / {ReadProperty Max})">
				<Spin Frequency=".2"/>
			<Shadow Color="{ReadProperty Color}" Size="20" Distance="0" />
	<Text Value="{ReadProperty Value}%"
		Color="{ReadProperty TextColor}"/>

I’m pretty sure that there is nothing to explain. Everything is obvious.


Usage of the indicator can be like

<StackPanel Alignment="Center" Width="200">
	<Slider Name="sl" Alignment="Top" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="0" UserStep="1"/>
	<FluidIndicator Diameter="100" Max="100" Value="{Property sl.Value}" Color="#0f0" TextColor="Red"/>

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed this journey!

Full code

<App Background="#000">
    <!-- Static Indicator -->
    <!-- <Circle Size="100" Color="Black">
        <Stroke Width="4" Color="#00c000"/>
        <Circle Size="84">
            <Mask File="whiteCircle.png" Mode="Alpha" />
            <Rectangle Layer="Background" Size="150%" CornerRadius="50" Color="#00ca00" Y="45">
                    <Spin Frequency=".2"/>
                <Shadow Color="#00ff00" Size="20" Distance="0" />
        <Text Value="50%" Alignment="Center" FontSize="24" Layer="Overlay" Color="#00ff00"/>
    </Circle> -->

    <!-- Dynamic Indicator -->
    <Circle ux:Class="FluidIndicator" Size="{ReadProperty Diameter}" Color="Black">
        <int ux:Property="Diameter"/>
        <float ux:Property="Max"/>
        <float ux:Property="Value"/>
        <float4 ux:Property="Color"/>
        <float4 ux:Property="TextColor"/>

        <Stroke Width="4" Color="{ReadProperty Color} * 0.9"/>
        <Circle Size="84">
            <Mask File="whiteCircle.png" Mode="Alpha" />
            <Rectangle Layer="Background" 
                Color="{ReadProperty Color}"
                Y="{ReadProperty Diameter} * (1 - {ReadProperty Value} / {ReadProperty Max})">
                    <Spin Frequency=".2"/>
                <Shadow Color="{ReadProperty Color}" Size="20" Distance="0" />
        <Text Value="{ReadProperty Value}%"
            Color="{ReadProperty TextColor}"/>

    <!-- Usage -->
    <StackPanel Alignment="Center" Width="200">
        <Slider Name="sl" Alignment="Top" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="0" UserStep="1"/>
        <FluidIndicator Diameter="100" Max="100" Value="{Property sl.Value}" Color="#0f0" TextColor="Red"/>