Flashy tabbar

This time we’ve implemented an awesome flashy tabbar concept by Cuberto.

The flashy tabbar

Note:This impementation of a tabbar is not the 100% equal to original one, but quite close.

This example displays a tabbar with a fancy look and feel. When you click on one of the tabs, the circle grow and disapear making an pulse effect. The icon of the selected tab start moving to the top and hides outside the tabbar. In same time, the tab’s title moving in the same direction and become visible, and, after small delay the small dot grow at the bottom.

The composition

Lets look on the source gif and recognise all parts that we need to implement step by step.

  • White container with round bottom corners
  • 4 tabs with icons and titles
  • Pulse animation of the circle when we click on tab
  • Set of effects which appears when the tab selected:
    • Scrolling up the icon and a title
    • Growing of the dot below the title
    • Overlapping the icon by a shape with the color of the tabbar’s background

Initial setup

Lets setup a workspace and some resources that we need for further. First of all we need to tell Fuse that we want to include our images for tabs icons as a part of a Bundle. So go to the .unoproj file and add "**.png:Bundle" into section Includes.

  "Packages": [
  "Includes": [

This allows us to use relative path to the image Assets/image.png.

Note Don’t forget to place the Assets folder in the project folder.

Next, go to the MainView.ux and define color resources for accent and background colors. Than place ClientPanel container and set Color="{Resource AccentColor}".


	<float4 ux:Global="AccentColor" ux:Value="#1E1E6E" />
	<float4 ux:Global="BarBgColor" ux:Value="#fff" />

	<ClientPanel Color="{Resource AccentColor}">
		<!-- tabbar will be here soon -->

White container with round bottom corners

As we can see from the *.gif, the tabs inside the container align horizontally and place in a line. So we need a StackPanel with Orientation="Horizontal". Lets place it inside our ClientPanel.

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
	<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" CornerRadius="0,0,15,15"/>

StackPanel, by default, don’t have background. This means we need add it. The background has a white color and rounded corners. The best shape for that is a Rectangle. It has both needed properties: Color and CornerRadius. Color we will take from resource, and the CornerRadius for bottom corners lets set equal to 15.

Note We dont want that our rectangle be computed as a child of the StackPanel (as a default behaviour). To prevent this, we need to set property Layer to Background.

Now the panel fills the whole screen, so we need to add a bit of cosmetic settings. Lets set space between the tabs by ItemSpacing="15", set tabbar height by Height="50", place it at the bottom of the screen by Alignment="BottomCenter", add a free space around by Margin="10" and a bit space inside by Padding="15, 0".

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="15" Height="50" Alignment="BottomCenter" Margin="10" Padding="15, 0">
	<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" CornerRadius="0,0,15,15"/>

	<!-- tabs will be here -->


Tabs with icons and titles

What’s the tab bar without tabs? Each of them consisnt of an icon, title and a small dot. They are place one below another. Technically, tab consist of two blocks(icon and title with a dot), so they should placed inside two panels. The title will have accent color.

<StackPanel HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
	<Panel Height="50">
		<Image Alignment="Center" Size="24" />
	<StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="5" Height="50">
		<Text Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>
		<Circle ux:Name="dot" Size="0" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>

To make it visible, lets add an image and a text.

<StackPanel HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
	<Panel Height="50">
		<Image Alignment="Center" Size="24" File="Assets/Events.png"/>
	<StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="5" Height="50">
		<Text Color="{Resource AccentColor}" Value="Events"/>
		<Circle ux:Name="dot" Size="0" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>

For now it’s ok that visible only icon.

Scrolling up the ison and a title

To achive a scrolling effect, the tab should be placed inside the scrollview. Scrolling must be called progammatically by clicking and user not be able to scroll manually. To prevent user from scrolling we set property UserScroll="false". To make a tab clickable add Clicked trigger and set HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" to make the whole tab clickabel. Finally, lets allow only vertical scroll direction (just to be sure that it will looks good) by setting the property AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical".

<ScrollView ux:Name="scroll" UserScroll="false"	AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical">
	<StackPanel ux:Name="tab" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
		<!-- tab body -->
			<!-- do smth on click -->

For testing that “scroll-by-click” really works, lets add to Clicked the ScrollTo action.

	<ScrollTo Target="scroll" RelativePosition="1" />

After clicking on a tab, the icon will be changed to the text. But it is not exactly what we want.

Make tabs selectable

One tab is good, but many tabs better. Cause we have several of them, and technically they equal, the best solution would be create a reusable class. Lets call it TabBarItem. Root item could be a Panel. In addition we need to create two string properties for the icon file path and for the title text, and bind to related attributes by {ReadProperty this.XXX} expression.

<Panel ux:Class="TabBarItem">
	<string ux:Property="IconFilePath"/>
	<string ux:Property="Title"/>

	<ScrollView ux:Name="scroll" UserScroll="false"	AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical">
		<StackPanel ItemSpacing="10" Alignment="Top" Width="100%" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
			<Image ux:Name="icon" File="{ReadProperty this.IconFilePath}" Alignment="Center" Size="24"/>
			<StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="5" Height="50">
				<Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Title}" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>
				<Circle ux:Name="dot" Size="0" Color="{Resource AccentColor}" Anchor="50%,50%"/>

Next, we can use our class to create the needed tabs and place them inside the container.

<ClientPanel Color="{Resource AccentColor}">
	<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="15" Height="50" Alignment="BottomCenter" Margin="10" Padding="15, 0">
		<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" CornerRadius="0,0,15,15"/>

		<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Events.png" Title="Events"  />
		<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Search.png" Title="Search" />
		<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Highlights.png" Title="Actions" />
		<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Settings.png" Title="Settings" />

To make our tabs selectable, we need to add Selectable component to the TabBarItem class

Note If the Value property of the Selectable component not be setted, the selection functionality won’t work at all. For this you can use any property that can guarantee uniqueness of the tab. In our case it is Title and IconFilePath. Lets take Title.

<Panel ux:Class="TabBarItem">
		<string ux:Property="IconFilePath"/>
		<string ux:Property="Title"/>

		<Selectable Value="{ReadProperty this.Title}"/>
		<!-- rest markup -->

			<ToggleSelection />

and the Selection component to its parent. According to original gif we know that only one tab can be selected, we need to prevent multiple selectio. For that we set property MaxCount=1 o the Selection component.

<!-- rest markup -->
<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" CornerRadius="0,0,15,15"/>
<Selection MaxCount="1"/>
<!-- rest markup -->

To visualize some how that the tab was selected we can use the WhileSelected trigger. Inside it we place our ScrollTo action from above.

<Panel ux:Class="TabBarItem">
		<string ux:Property="IconFilePath"/>
		<string ux:Property="Title"/>

		<Selectable Value="{ReadProperty this.Title}"/>

			<ScrollTo Target="scroll" RelativePosition="1" />
		<!-- rest -->

Nice, but even when the tab change state to deselected (after clicking on the other tab) the visual appearence stay the same. It’s because we don’t have a trigger that will be activated when the tab become deselected. Lets add one more WhileSelected trigger but set its Invert property to True. Inside it place the ScrollTo action with RelativePosition="0".

<!-- rest -->
<WhileSelected Invert="true">
	<ScrollTo Target="scroll" RelativePosition="0" />
<!-- rest -->

Tune up

Technically we achive almost everything. Now it’s time to polish a bit look and feel.

Bounce effect of the scrolling

If we look closer, we can see the bouncing effect after scrolling. As we don’t need such behaviour, lets remove it. By adding a ScrollViewMotion component to the ScrollView we can change the default behaviour. For make a snap smooth set property GotoType="SmoothSnap", to remove the bounce effect set property SnapDuration="0", to make scrolling a bit faster set GotoDuration="0.3" and, finally, to make the scroll animation feels more naturally set property GotoEasing="CubicInOut".

	<!-- rest -->
<ScrollView ux:Name="scroll" UserScroll="false" AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical">
	<ScrollViewMotion GotoType="SmoothSnap" SnapDuration="0" GotoDuration="0.3" GotoEasing="CubicInOut"/>
	<!-- rest -->	

Growing of the dot below the title

This dot is the Circle that placed below the title. To make it bigger (initial size is 0) when the tab become selected, let use Change animator and animate the circle’s propery Size="5". For that we need to set the name of the circle by setting property ux:Name="dot". The Change animator must be placed inside non-inverted WhileSelected trigger. Duration of the growing animation let be equl to 0.2sec. Because the scrolling is not instance process, we can not see the animation right after it start, so we need to set a small Delay, for example 0.2sec.

	<!-- rest -->
	<Change dot.Size="5" Duration=".2" Delay="0.2" Easing="CubicIn"/>
	<!-- rest -->


<Circle ux:Name="dot" Size="0" Color="{Resource AccentColor}" Anchor="50%,50%"/>

Pulse animation of the circle when we click on tab

To make an pulse effect lets take a Circle and place it at the bottom of a root of our TabBarItem class(right under the closing tag of the ScrollView). The initial Size have to be 0, the ux:Name is pulse and Alignment is Center. Beside, our pulse should be as a wave on the water surface. This mean, circle have to have only a Stroke with the Width="3" and Color="{Resource AccentColor}".


	<Circle ux:Name="pulse" Size="0" Layer="Overlay" Alignment="Center">
		<Stroke Width="3" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>

To make our Circle lets add a few Change’s to the Clicked. Duration can be 0.2sec. The maximum Size value equla to 80% of the parents size (that would be enough). Because we not need a backward animation of the pulse on deselection, lets set DurationBack to 0. Changing Opacity to 0 during growing, makes the look and feel nicer.

	<ToggleSelection />
	<Change pulse.Size="80%" Duration=".2" DurationBack="0"/>
	<Change pulse.Opacity="0" Duration=".2" DurationBack="0"/>

Overlapping the icon by a shape with the color of the tabbar’s background

For overlapping effect we will use a Circle. Again. Lets create a panel and move inside it our icon and this Circle. To follow the consistency, set to Panel’s Height value equal to 50. Set ux:Name="circle" to overlapper. Align it to a left-bottom corner and make a small offset to the same direction, because without it the small piece of some icons will be visible (not good).

<StackPanel ItemSpacing="10" Alignment="Top" Width="100%" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
	<Panel Height="50">
		<Image ux:Name="icon" File="{ReadProperty this.IconFilePath}" Alignment="Center" Size="24">
			<Circle ux:Name="circle" Size="0" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" Layer="Overlay" Alignment="BottomLeft" Offset="-5,5"/>
	<!-- rest -->

As we did before, add a Change to the WhileSelected

<Change circle.Size="40" Duration=".3" />

The effect looks better in deselection phase.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed this journey!

Full code here


	<float4 ux:Global="AccentColor" ux:Value="#1E1E6E" />
	<float4 ux:Global="BarBgColor" ux:Value="#fff" />

	<Panel ux:Class="TabBarItem">
		<string ux:Property="IconFilePath"/>
		<string ux:Property="Title"/>

		<Selectable Value="{ReadProperty this.Title}"/>

			<ScrollTo Target="scroll" RelativePosition="1" />
			<Change dot.Size="5" Duration=".2" Delay="0.2" Easing="CubicIn"/>
			<Change circle.Size="40" Duration=".3" />
		<WhileSelected Invert="true">
			<ScrollTo Target="scroll" RelativePosition="0" />

		<ScrollView ux:Name="scroll" UserScroll="false"	AllowedScrollDirections="Vertical">

			<ScrollViewMotion GotoType="SmoothSnap"	SnapDuration="0" GotoDuration="0.3"	GotoEasing="CubicInOut"/>	

			<StackPanel ItemSpacing="10" Alignment="Top" Width="100%" HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren">
				<Panel Height="50">
					<Image ux:Name="icon" File="{ReadProperty this.IconFilePath}" Alignment="Center" Size="24">
						<Circle ux:Name="circle" Size="0" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}"	Layer="Overlay"	Alignment="BottomLeft" Offset="-5,5"/>
				<StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="5" Height="50">
					<Text Value="{ReadProperty this.Title}" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>
					<Circle ux:Name="dot" Size="0" Color="{Resource AccentColor}" Anchor="50%,50%"/>
					<ToggleSelection />
					<Change pulse.Size="80%" Duration=".2" DurationBack="0"/>
					<Change pulse.Opacity="0" Duration=".2" DurationBack="0"/>
		<Circle ux:Name="pulse"	Size="0" Layer="Overlay" Alignment="Center">
			<Stroke Width="3" Color="{Resource AccentColor}"/>

	<ClientPanel Color="{Resource AccentColor}">
		<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="15" Height="50" Alignment="BottomCenter" Margin="10" Padding="15, 0">
			<Rectangle Layer="Background" Color="{Resource BarBgColor}" CornerRadius="0,0,15,15"/>
			<Selection MaxCount="1"/>
			<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Events.png" Title="Events"  />
			<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Search.png" Title="Search" />
			<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Highlights.png" Title="Actions" />
			<TabBarItem IconFilePath="Assets/Settings.png" Title="Settings" />