A circular menu button

Here is another awesome design we found by Anton Aheichanka that we felt obligated to implement with Fuse. We used the free UI kit from InVision for the assets.

The animations

This example implements two separate animations:

  1. Clicking the pink plus-button makes it expand, revealing more options.
  2. Clicking the avatar in the top right corner triggers the calendar page to animate.

In this example we handle them separately.

Defining the resources

We start by defining some resources. We are using several icons, so we define a common base class for them:

<Image ux:Class="Icon" />

The only reason we subclass here is to have a semantic type called “Icon”. This makes it easier for us to perform styling later on.

We then create classes for the other icons:

<Icon ux:Class="ClockIcon" File="Assets/icon_clock.png" />
<Icon ux:Class="TalkIcon" File="Assets/icon_talk.png" />
<Icon ux:Class="LocationIcon" File="Assets/icon_location.png" />
<Icon ux:Class="SunnyIcon" File="Assets/icon_sunny.png" />
<Icon ux:Class="SmallAvatarIcon" File="Assets/small_avatar.png" />
<Icon ux:Class="HamburgerIcon" File="Assets/icon_hamburger.png" />

We also want to apply a common style for our text, so we define a couple of text classes:

<Text ux:Class="DefaultText" Color="#fffd" />
<Text ux:Class="MutedText" Color="#fff8" />

We include the Resources.ux file in our MainView.ux with the <ux:Include /> tag.

The calendar item

Each item in the calendar can contain 1 to 3 items. We define just one class and let it handle all the cases by just hiding the unused fields using WhileTrue-triggers.

<Grid ux:Class="CalendarItem" Columns="1*,4*">
        <Move X="1" Duration="0.4" RelativeTo="Size" Easing="CircularInOut" DelayBack="{delay}" />
        <Move Target="underline" X="1" Duration="0.4" RelativeTo="Size" Easing="CircularInOut" DelayBack="{lineDelay}" />
        <Move X="1" Duration="0.4" RelativeTo="Size" Easing="CircularInOut" DelayBack="{delay}" />
        <Move Target="underline" X="1" Duration="0.4" RelativeTo="Size" Easing="CircularInOut" DelayBack="{lineDelay}" />
    <StackPanel Alignment="TopLeft" Width="40" Margin="0,15,0,0">
        <DefaultText FontSize="25" Value="{item.time}" TextAlignment="Center" />
        <MutedText FontSize="10" Value="{item.ampm}" TextAlignment="Center"/>
    <Panel Margin="0,18">

            <StackPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter">
                <WhileTrue Value="{hasTitle}">
                    <DefaultText Value="{item.title}" />
                <WhileTrue Value="{hasProject}">
                    <MutedText Value="{item.project}" FontSize="14" Margin="0,2" />
                <WhileTrue Value="{hasPeople}">
                    <WrapPanel Margin="0,8,0,0">
                        <Each Items="{item.people}">
                            <Image File="{picture}" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="5,0" />
    <WhileFalse Value="{isLast}">
        <Rectangle ux:Name="underline" Height="1" Color="#fff3" Alignment="Bottom" Column="1" />

We define a data-model for the item in JavaScript, and use it to populate each item with data:

function Person(picture){
    this.picture = picture;

function Item(time, ampm, title, project, people){
    this.time = time;
    this.ampm = ampm;
    this.title = title;
    this.project = project;
    this.people = people;

var items = Observable(
    new Item(8, "AM", "Finish Home Screen", "Use Macaw", Observable()),
    new Item(11, "AM", "Lunch Break", "", Observable()),
    new Item(2, "PM", "Finish prototype", "InVision", [new Person("Assets/avatarcalendar3.png"), new Person("Assets/avatarcalendar2.png"), new Person("Assets/avatarcalendar.png")])

We then map over the items variable in order to assign some more view-related fields, like animation delays and boolean values for hiding unused fields as discussed above. Notice that since we are mapping with a function which takes two arguments, the second argument is the index of the item. This allows us to have different delays based on the position in the Observable.

var itemsView = items.map(function(item, index){
    return {
        item : item, delay : index * 0.08,
        lineDelay : (items.length - index + 1) * 0.1,
        isLast : index === items.length - 1,
        hasTitle : item.title.length > 0,
        hasProject : item.project.length > 0,
        hasPeople : item.people.length > 0

The plus-button

The plus-button is defined in MainView.ux as a class called WobbleButton. It has two circles. The first one has a pink Color. The second one has its Opacity set to 0 and a slightly darker Color. When the button is clicked, we scale the first one and animate the second ones Opacity to 1.

<Circle ux:Name="overlayCircle" Color="#0004" Opacity="0" Width="20%" Height="20%" Alignment="Center" >
        <Toggle Target="expanded" />
<Circle ux:Name="circle" Color="#F23363" Width="20%" Height="20%" >


There are three icons which are revealed when the button is scaled. Their rest-state is defined to be in a circular arrangement in the top left area of the button. By default, they have an Opacity of 0, and a Translation.

When the button is expanded, the translations on all the icons are animated back to 0, and the opacity of each one is also animated to 1.

<ClockIcon ux:Name="icon1" Margin="40,30,0,20" Width="30" Height="30" Alignment="Left" Opacity="0" IsEnabled="false">
    <Translation ux:Name="trans1" X="1.5" RelativeTo="Size" />
        <Toggle Target="expanded" />
<TalkIcon ux:Name="icon2" Margin="70,70,0,0" Width="30" Height="30" Alignment="TopLeft" Opacity="0" IsEnabled="false">
    <Translation ux:Name="trans2" X="1" Y="1" RelativeTo="Size" />
        <Toggle Target="expanded" />
<LocationIcon ux:Name="icon3" Margin="30,40,20,0" Width="30" Height="30" Alignment="Top" Opacity="0" IsEnabled="false">
    <Translation ux:Name="trans3" Y="1.5" RelativeTo="Size" />
        <Toggle Target="expanded" />
<WhileTrue ux:Name="expanded">
    <Change circle.Height="100" Easing="CubicInOut" Duration="0.2" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change circle.Width="100" Easing="CubicInOut" Duration="0.2"  DelayBack="0"/>

    <Change enableOptions.Value="true" Delay="0.1" />
    <Change overlayCircle.Opacity="1" Delay="0.1" Duration="0.1" />
    <Rotate Target="cross" Degrees="-45" Duration="0.2" Easing="CubicInOut" />

    <Change trans1.X="0" Delay="0" Duration="0.4" Easing="BounceOut" EasingBack="QuadraticInOut" DurationBack="0.2"    DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change trans2.X="0" Delay="0.05" Duration="0.4" Easing="BounceOut" EasingBack="QuadraticInOut" DurationBack="0.2" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change trans2.Y="0" Delay="0.05" Duration="0.4" Easing="BounceOut" EasingBack="QuadraticInOut" DurationBack="0.2" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change trans3.Y="0" Delay="0.1" Duration="0.4" Easing="BounceOut" EasingBack="QuadraticInOut" DurationBack="0.2"  DelayBack="0"/>

    <Change icon1.Opacity="1" Delay="0.1" Duration="0.1" Easing="QuadraticInOut" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change icon2.Opacity="1" Delay="0.1" Duration="0.1" Easing="QuadraticInOut" DelayBack="0"/>
    <Change icon3.Opacity="1" Delay="0.1" Duration="0.1" Easing="QuadraticInOut" DelayBack="0"/>